The Single Biggest Mistake Hypnotists Make When Trying To Hypnotize Someone

As I sit here listening to yet another interview on how to do marketing and business on the internet. The interviewer said something that really struck a cord. A Cord so powerful that I actually had to pause the video and write to you about it.

Now I am sure you are already wondering what that "mysterious cord" must be and what they heck should you care anyway.

Well this "Super Hypnosis Secret" is the single biggest reason why most people fail at using these skills on the street and in real life.

You see the level of influence we wield in hypnotic contexts is directly related to our own internal psycho-emotional state.

In other words "our ability to control our own state" is the single biggest reason why almost everyone fails to get the result they want with covert, conversational and even overt hypnotic technique.


Consider that a technical term.

You see a lot of people talk about rapport this and rapport that, and yes, I do agree that rapport is important, in fact there is only two particular Attributes that can trump the power of rapport and when used in conjunction with are literally UNSTOPPABLE in hypnotizing people without their knowledge into willingly doing what you want.

We will talk about those in another post, by the way if you haven't done so already you should probably get subscribed to my free covert hypnosis newsletter. Just fill in your name and email at the bottom of this post or in the box to your right and click the "send me my free covert hypnosis audio now" button. Do that now and come on back to the article

So what is the single biggest mistake people make when doing covert hypnosis.

They get too serious.

Thats right

Too MUCH Attachment to what they are doing.

You see when you are too serious, when you are too invested in what you are trying to get someone to do, you actually shut off your ability to exert hypnotic influence. You lose access to your own internal resources. and to put it bluntly...


Not only that if you are in a state of hyper arousal and you are trying to get rapport with your target what ever you feel, they feel. So in many cases the very rapport you are trying to create causes them to feel uneasy towards you because you feel uneasy.

The best way to overcome this issue is to rigorously drill your emotional states every day so you can go into and out of any emotional state you want to ( we have a whole slew of specialized drills in our CPI Conversational Hypnosis Bootcamp That does this like nothing else can)

But in the interim remember this...

If you come to the task of exerting hypnotic influence with a playful mindset you get a significantly higher level of influence and compliance from your subjects. Its ironic but its true, the less you care and the less attached you are to the outcome of your influence the more likely you are to actually get what you want.

You also need to understand how to lead your subject from one emotional state to another and chain the states that naturally lead them to make the decisions you want them to make and take the actions you want them to take.

Thats about it for now.

Trance the World and Take Names.

Your Loyal Friend and Covert Hypnosis Coach.

David X.


Published at: July 7, 2010
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