Title: NLPPOWER - Time Distortion For Fun and Profit!
Location: See our page at San Dieg
Link out: Click here
Description: Because You Asked For It!...
"To manipulate the perception of time, to make time go slow when your having fun and fast when your not."
The truth behind time distortion goes far beyond simple time compression and expansion.
In fact one of the most powerful ways to overcome objections. Remove physical ailments, and "create programming for your ideal future is through the process of "temporal editing" - the power to move peoples minds (including your own) backward and forward through time.
Nearly all of the most effective and pervasive techniques for compelling, persuading and making changes in human beings involve the element of time.
Time Changes Things.
Learn how you can begin using time distortion to get exactly the result you want.
FAST.. or Slow... Or Maybe... Just at the right TIME!
Join us This coming May For as we journey deep inside your mine on a tantilizing trek to transformation through the tapping into the tactics and techniques of temporal technology... NLPPOWER STYLE.
If its Time For A Change It Time For NLPPOWER... RSVP ASAP RIGHT NOW! before its too late!
Your Tipsy Temporal Trance Trainer...
David Snyder
Start Time: 07:30 PM
Date: 2010-05-17
End Time: 09:30