Golden Path Workshop: Ming: Find Your Mission in Life

December 3rd-5th!

Early Bird Pricing Now In Effect!

Space is Limited


  • Have you ever felt like there was something important you were meant to do in this life?

  • That you might have a mission to accomplish during your time on earth? That maybe just maybe you were meant for something more.

  • That perhaps destiny had a plan for you but maybe somehow some way you got off track?

  • Do you ever feel like you were meant for something more?

  • How many times have you sat back and thought to yourself Why Am I Here? What is my purpose in this life? What was I meant to do, be or accomplish?

  • What is my destiny?

If you have ever had these questions and are finally ready to get your life on track, get on your path and claim your unique destiny…

Keep Reading… This could quite literally be one of the most important messages your ever read. And it all starts with one simple word…


Ming is a Chinese term for Destiny, which can also be translated as your “Mandate from Heaven”.  The ancient Chinese masters, alchemists and spiritual leaders believed that every human being came here for a reason, that each had a special purpose and was endowed by the creator and their ancestors with amazing talents, skills and abilities that would help them achieve a higher level of empowerment and understanding while at the same time bringing more enlightenment and enrichment to the world.

The ancient Taoists called this mission “A Mandate From Heaven” and it was the sacred duty of every human being to  begin the process of getting on and fulfilling that mission they called this process “The Golden Path” and it was believed that once a person found their path that many things in their lives would suddenly make sense, that the would find maximum success happiness and fulfilment that was exactly right for them.

The ancient Taoist mystics believed the keys to unlocking their Golden Path could be discovered by analyzing and interpreting the events of a person’s life combined with an in-depth understanding the secrets hidden within a person’s face.

The ancient Symbol of Dao is usually thought to mean “The Way.” However, the original translation is actually “A Face Running on a Path,” implying that if you know who you truly are, then you can find your way…. This involves the concept of De – virtuous action or going in a conscious and heart-felt direction that comes from recognizing your Original Face. We carry within us intrinsic talents and abilities which, when combined with our character and life experiences, make us fascinating individuals, each with a unique personal mission, which the Chinese call Ming – or Destiny.

This enlightening three-day workshop will help you to Determine Your Destiny by uncovering who you truly are, find out what you are here to do and learn how to live the life you are destined to live with passion and pleasure. Based on the ancient philosophy of Daoism and the ancient science of Chinese Face Reading, this workshop will help you find your inner gold by mining the kaleidoscope of your past experiences and the best parts of your inner self.

Then you will be taught how to refine and mold these golden parts of your true nature to find the best way to use your talents, abilities and gifts that you can then give back to the world. We recommend this class for participants who are over 25 years old. Handouts will be sent to you upon registration via email a month before the start of the class.


Sold out!


Dec 03 - 05 2021


All Day




On Time


The Orleans Hotel and Casino
4500 W. Tropicana Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89103


Dr David Snyder
[email protected]

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