President Obama is carefully using some conversational hypnotic techniques in his speeches, that doesn't make him a bad man.
Conversational Hypnosis is not a secret and President Obama knows it. While I don't want to get into any political issues as the author of this article did on the the SixthStreetGallery, I too believe that President Obama and many others are using some conversational hypnosis or NLP to get their message anchored into the minds of the people. Is he a bad guy for using hypnotic techniqus? Time will tell. He's working hard to be a great politician and he is able to lead the masses with his public speaking abilities, that's part of his job. Conversational hypnosis is no longer a secret and Obama knows it and is using it right under your nose.
"It truly is nearly undetectable for the untrained ear and has been used widely within therapy to help people eliminate challenging behaviors and self damaging emotional disorders. Conversational hypnosis has, in recent times, become easily available to the general public because of available access to courses on-line. As with any other proficiency, the appearance of widespread public use, and the emergence of a worldwide online network, has witnessed conversational hypnosis improve and become much more established. These days it is the most powerful method for persuasion ever seen."
"Barack Obama is obviously very familiar with these processes and regularly employs them as part of his addresses."
"As an example he frequently utilizes very systematic ‘pacing and leading’ within his speeches. Firstly Barack Obama is really good at using his body gestures to mirror the climate of the crowd. where the crowd can be enthusiastic and motivated, his expressions and choice of words is exciting and untamed. In the event the crowd happens to be sombre and introspective, he can be a lot more subdued and contained."
"This way he swiftly secures a rapport with his audience who sense that he empathizes and shares his concerns with them. After this fundamental subconscious link is made he’ll then begin to guide the crowd by using body language and cadence. It’s really a timeless conversational hypnosis technique."
"In truth, once you have even a rudimentary understanding of conversational hypnosis, his usage of mass hypnosis strategies is often very clear. He uses such strategies as intense imagery and patterns relying on isomorphic metaphors which usually express one supposed meaning as a result of talking about something seemingly unrelated. This is often meticulously delivered to make certain that he captures the concentration and conscious focus of his target audience. This method of captivation leads to the reduced psychological defenses of the listeners."
"Barack Obama can then use embedded instructions to suggest his political concepts within the subconscious mind of the audience. As an illustration, he quite often returns to key anchoring terms for example “now is the moment…”. Obama will then deliver a command statements such as “ must act ” that he links to the preceding ‘undeniable’ statement thus giving his subjective statement greater validity. He also uses verbal tone, pitch, facial expression together with gesture in clearly hypnotic loops in order to improve his allure to his target audience."
One thing we must all remember is that if you understand the conversational hypnosis techniques you can "catch" anyone who is also using them on you. We have a responsibility to understand the techniques politicians use to motivate and gain power.
"The Birthers suggest that Obama is employing some sort of deceptive mind control. There is nothing hidden regarding what he is doing. Any individual having the least interest may easily learn the identical approaches. There is absolutely no hidden-secret in any way."
I don't believe in dragging people down, I find most people are sensible enough to understand that we do not all think alike. I also believe that if you give people a chance they will eventually drag themselves down. Do you think conversational hypnosis is no longer a secret and Obama knows it?