Get Three Amazing Events = 11 Days of The Best Hypnosis Training Ever for For One Low Investment
What If You Could Read and Understand People
ATTENTION HYPNOTISTS Join Us In Las Vegas Nevada, August 2nd -5th and Discover Exactly How To...
Use The Hypnotic Power of Pleasure To...
Transform Peoples Lives & Relationships Forever,
Trigger Hypnotic Orgasms On Command
Release Inhibitions, Remove Blocks To
Love, Intimacy, Connection...
...Harness Your Sexual Energies &
Unleash a Flood of Pure Pleasure-
... Any Time You Want!
Sensuality Enhancement 2021:
Sexual Energy Secrets and Erotic Hypnosis Made Easy
4-Day Certification
Enjoy This Sneak Preview Video Below!
Erotic Hypnosis Made Easy:
"Sensuality Enhancement & Sexual Energy Secrets"
4 Day Hypnothoughts Post-Conference Special Event ,
Reserve Your Seat Now And Get A $200.00 Fast Action Discount With
Over $1185.00 In FREE Bonus Training Materials
Offer Expires July 23, 2021,
Details Below!
WARNING: This Offer Closes in
Meet Your Trainer
David Snyder
What This Course Will Do For You...
You'll learn how to evoke, amplify and
manage ever increasing levels of orgasmic, ecstatic pleasure states and
use them for a variety of purposes from the most intimate and sensual.
to the most spiritual and practical. never before has a training
encompassed so broad a scope in the use of high energy orgasmic states
for a variety of outcomes.
- Enhanced Intimacy and Connection With Your Partner
- Orgasm On Command
- Multiple Orgasms Made Easy
- Rapid Orgasm Techniques
- Remove Fears, Inhibitions and Limitations
- Deepen Your Connection To and Tap Into Your Own Sexual Energy For
Personal Growth Awareness and Evolution
- Install New Behaviors
- Remove Limiting Beliefs
- Create Unstoppable Reward and Motivation in yourself and others
- Much Much More
This course is designed to take even an absolute beginner and guide them through a step by step hands
on process that allows you the practitioner to both experience and guide a subject or partner through a wide array of
erotic, ecstatic and orgasmic experiences easily and consistently, When Ever You Want and With Whom Ever You Want To.
You'll Learn the Fundamental Hypnotic skills as well as cutting edge instant and rapid mind body energy techniques trance worker wishes they knew. Attendees will enjoy fun, exciting and intense skill building sessions on the core hypno-erotic skill sets thatwork practically anywhere with a willing partner and on virtually any one in any environment (in
the bedroom, on the strip, in a bar etc.)
These skills are powerful, fun simple and easy to learn and use
You will come from this training feeling completely confident in your ability to easily and expertly experience and guide others through a vast array of orgasmic, erotic and ecstatic states for the purposes of
- Fun and Pleasure
- Health and Healing
- Intimacy, Trust, Chemistry and Connection
- Expanding the Love, Dynamism and sense of adventure two
human beings can share in trance. - Spiritual Growth and Self Knowledge
You Will Go Deep Inside The Key Levels that Form The Building Blocks of Ecstatic and Erotic
Experience Allowing You To Create “Any” effect you want to whatever degree you want.
Secrets of Erotic and Sensual State Control:
In order to take a partner where you want them to go, you must be able to go first. In this all-important first
step in the Beyond Orgasm Core Training Process;
You’ll learn the fundamental mind and body drills automatically Let you to ENTER, STIMULATE And AROUSE Any sensual or emotional Body Feeling state you want In Yourself and Your Partner;
EASILY allowing you Stay Connected To Your Partner while letting your
partner really feel safe, protected accepted and free to
explore and express their deepest erotic desires in a fun playful way.
You’ll find your sensual skills, intuition and connection with your partner growing exponentially deeper and deeper throughout the training as you learn to tap deeper and deeper into the latent the latent powers of your own human nervous/energy system Combined With Proven Laws of Physics to Create Powerful Heart To Heart Connections that your partners’ mind (and body) simply can’t ignore!
All the while your natural sensual intuitions will Continue Growing More super-charged and Reliable allowing you to “lay the foundation” for any sensual, ecstatic or erotic experience you Desire.
Sensual Vibing:
Instant Intimacy Chemistry and Connection
... On Command!
Human relational dynamics are built upon the concepts of “Chemistry” Connection, Sensual Arousal.
In phase two of the BEYOND ORGASM Process you’ll learn how to take your new acquired state control abilities and rapidly generate deep physical and “sensual” connections via both somatic trance work and linguistic trance work.
This unique synergy of multiple trance processes rapidly amplifiers and accelerates the states you playing with. And the best part is… it’s actually easier than regular hypnosis!
It’s actually something your mind and body were just doing anyway only you didn’t know it. But once you do, you are on your
way to becoming a powerfully skilled and much sought after master of erotic and ecstatic experiences.
Secrets of Hypnotic Erotic Language:
Learn how to create powerful, world moving sensual and erotic experiences using your words to bring your lovers body And MIND Full Alive… Just By Talking!
Make any fantasy experience you describe or suggestion you give become erotically compelling and somatically stimulating automatically.
You’ll learn the 9 Key Language Patterns that turn everything you say into a hypnotically compelling, arousing and pleasing experience for anyone listening.
You’ll bypass fear, and reduce resistance to pleasure, create powerful and compelling mental imagery that your partner simply “can’t ignore (not that that they would want to)
Direct your partner’s awareness to or cause it to generate any pleasure state you want, to whatever degree you want.
You’ll also learn a special “conversational hypnosis technique” to use when you are actually making love that causes OUTRAGEOUS Sensual, Emotional and Physical Responses.
And so much more… This section alone is worth 5 times the cost of the entire 4-day event.
But we aren’t done yet.
Master Keys To Ecstatic State Management:
Every Human Being carries within them An “Idealized Template” for what constitutes the “Perfect” or Ideal Experience of “ANY KIND” Once you know the inner template of an experience you automatically gain the ability to create that experience at will, to whatever degree you want.
Most people who learn NLP are taught long, complex elicitation strategies that usually negate the experience you are trying to create.
Bottom line, many if not most traditional NLP methods don’t work in an erotic or ecstatic context, they are clunky, clumsy and break up the flow of what you are trying to create.
However, In this exciting section on erotic and ecstatic state management you’ll learn to elicit and gather a person’s unique thought-codes for how to have any ecstatic orgasmic or sensual experience and get them deep into it or even beyond what they thought they could do in as little as two minutes.
Then you’ll learn how to build on that foundation to custom creates a powerful and unique set of experiences for yourself and your partners that will works on practically everyone.
Man or woman, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have a willing human being who can follow instructions you can be, have or enjoy anyexperience you want, to whatever degree you want…
very very fast!
Use The Power of Pleasure To Create
Lasting And Powerful Changes In People
and Custom Design Your "Ideal Relationship"
Once You’ve mastered the keys to creating any ecstatic state you want. We’ll show you how to really become a master of sensual experience for fun, pleasure and self-exploration.
Listen, chances are that there is someone in our lives who could use a lot more pleasure and probably a little bit of "help" with certain areas of their life, maybe even you. In the exciting second half of our 4-Day Erotic Adventures Event You Learn How To Use The Ecstatic And Orgasmic states you've mastered to...
- To systematically re-create a person in the image of themselves they’ve always wanted
- Remove Limiting Beliefs and Limitations To The Life They Want
- Dramatically change a person’s Self Worth and Self Esteem using The Power of Amplified Pleasure
- Create deep systemic change using orgasmic processes to amplify and enhance neurological change.
- Bottom line: Not only will you be able to give and experience an unstoppable flood of orgasmic, ecstatic and Transcendental states.
- You’ll also gain the ability to use this pleasure generating system to heal and treat your clients with a much higher rate of compliance and success.
Look I know I’ve told you a lot what you’ll be getting in this 4-day intensive into the power of pleasure. But believe me when I tell you from the bottom of my heart that I have dramatically “understated” what you’ll be able to do once you own these powerful skill sets.
Additional Techniques and Skills Sets In This 4-Day intensive Include:
Introduction To Rapid Hypnotic Erotic Responses:
- Orgasm and Arousal On Demand
- Beyond Orgasm: Using Orgasm and Ecstasy To Help and Heal
- Unlocking Sexual Fantasies and Dissolving Inhibitions
- How to talk so your lover will listen
- Custom Designing Orgasmic states
- Master Keys To Trust and Erotic Intimacy
- Flights of Fancy: Erotic Fantasies On Demand
Introduction To Real World Trance Work:
Hypnosis Outside The Treatment Room
- Somatic Bridging: Master Keys To Full Mind Body Experience
- Instant Inductions Instantly
- Conversational Inductions
- Eye Contact and the Art of Hypnotic Gazing
- Breath Work
All trainees will receive certification from the Society of Experiential Trance and With Full Rights and Privileges as Designated by the Society and Its Board of Members.
Normally for this level of training you would have to pay a minimum of 1997.00 just to get in, but for a limited time only and as a special favor to my friends and colleagues at Hypnothoughts Live.
I am doing this High Energy Pleasure Programming Intensive for Only $1497.00
Due to the subject matter, time constraints and to insure quality of training, seating for this event is limited to 45. Both couples and Singles are welcome to attend.
PLUS As An Added Bonus,
If you are one of the next 12 people to register for this ONE TIME ONLY Special Event,
I'll include just for you The Following Extra Special Bonus Gifts Worth
Well Over $1185.00
Here's What Else You'll Be Getting...
Enroll Before the Deadline on July 31, 2017 or Be One Of The Next 12 To Reserve your Seat and You'll Also Get
- Instant Conversational Hypnosis: $197.00 Value Yours FREE
- Energy Hypnosis: SPEED HEALING: $197.00 Value Yours FREE
- Hidden Laws of Attraction: $197.00 Value Yours FREE
- STEALTH: Keys To The Mind, Instant Conversational
Hypnosis Crash Course $97.00
Value Yours FREE - And A Copy of My Unique “Erotic Hypnosis Made Easy” Primal Hypnosis Training With My Special Guest Super-Master
Hypnotist Steve Piccus On DVD $497.00
Value yours FREE
You’ll get instant access to all of the above plus a front row seat at the most comprehensive training in creating ecstatic and orgasmic trance states fast that currently exists. Not only will your personal and romantic life take on a whole new level of fun, Freedom, Popularity and Fulfillment.
You’ll be astonished at how powerfully these methods translate directly into faster deeper results with your therapy clients.
by what you’ll be able to do by the end of day one.
I’ll even give you your money back.
BOTTOM LINE: You’ll really be kicking yourself if you miss this one and remember you’ll also get all of the bonuses mentioned above (Over $1185.00 Worth of Stuff) the moment you reserve your seat now for our One Time Only Erotic Hypnosis Made Easy: Beyond Orgasm – Adventures In Ecstasy Your bonuses are waiting for you right now but you must be one of the next 12 to register.
This Special Offer EXPIRES July 23rd, 2021. We reserve the right to pull this offer and bonuses at any time prior if the Quota is Filled.
If the link is still visible as you are reading this you still have a chance. if the link is gone we are full.
Click This Link Below To Jump In Now And
To Be Sure No One Else Takes Your Seat!
You’ll be glad you did.
Talk To You Soon!
You’re Friend
Dr. David Snyder DACM L.Ac.
Master Hypnotist, NLP-Trainer
PS: Look I know that getting good training in this kind of field can be challenging, but believe me when I tell you that it will change your life forever.
You'll be amazed at how simple, easy and fun giving people massive pleasure can be and how you can really use it to build and take your personal life and professional practice to a whole new level.
In fact, I'm so sure you'll be thrilled with the training that If you are not satisfied for any reason, simply turn in your course materials by the end of the first day and I'll give you your money back.
Listen, I'll be honest, I was asked to do this very special one time event at the last minute so time is of the essence. I need to know that you'll be here As soon As Humanly Possible So That I can Prepare the course workbooks and make sure I have all of your bonuses instantly available for you.
Including Your:
- $200. FAST ACTION Discount
- Instant Conversational Hypnosis 197.00 Value Yours
FREE - Energy Hypnosis: Speed Healing 197.00 Value Yours FREE
- Hidden Laws of Attraction 197.00 Value Yours FREE
- STEALTH Keys To The Mind 197.00 Value Yours FREE
- Erotic Hypnosis Made Easy - Primal Hypnosis With
Special Guest STEVE PICCUS On DVD - $497.00 Yours FREE!