Attention Hypnotists!
What if You Could Easily, Naturally, Rapidly and Permanently Resolve Fear, Pain, and Trauma
In Just Minutes...
...Any Time, Any Where
And For Any Reason?
Before You Decide To Join, Watch This
FREE Real World Regression Hypnotherapy
Imagine For A Moment That You Now Have The Ability To Quickly, Easily & Effectively:
- Reprogram The Subconscious Mind
- Erase Limiting Beliefs
- Banish Negative Emotions
- Remove Blocks To Success
That You Now Have At Your Fingertips the Most Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs In:
- Neuroscience,
- Hypnosis,
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- and Energy Psychology
Secrets That Allow You To Effortlessly Automatically Change Peoples Memories, Beliefs, Attitudes Behaviors and More...In Just Minutes!
If Any of the above Sounds Interesting to You Keep Reading Because This Message Could Change Your Life...
During This 5-Day Regression Therapy Hypnosis &
Rapid Trauma Resolution Certification Boot Camp...
You'll Learn the EXACT STEPS & PROVEN Neuro-Hypnotic Techniques for Instant and Rapid Transformation That Most Hypnotherapists Will NEVER Learn...
From The Desk of:
Dr. David Snyder DACM, C.Ht, NLP, L.Ac.
Licensed NLP/Hypnosis Trainer
Location: San Diego California
January 15, 2020 8:23:AM
Dear Hypnosis Enthusiast,
It's 2020. And today more than ever, People Need (and are desperately seeking) Your Help. Millions of people all over are struggling, fighting and uphill battle to live the life they want, free of pain and suffering.
Just like you and I, These people all over the world are looking for new and exciting ways to take charge of their lives,to stop being and feeling stuck or blocked from whats important in life and to get a winning edge over the system, the competition, life in general To finally own the master keys unlimited love, success, money, freedom, power and control that they've always dreamed of.
Now You Can Literally Own Those Master Keys For Yourself While Creating the Potential to Build An Incredibly Profitable Business Helping Other People Be More Healthy, Happy, Whole and Successful.
Just like you, Year After Year, People are Quickly Discovering The Fastest Way To Effective, Rapid, Permanent and Positive Change Is Through the Power of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy!
Hypnosis has been proven over and over again to be, by far, the easiest fastest and most direct way to
- overcome limiting beliefs,
- gain more confidence,
- remove unwanted habits and behaviors
- and ultimately program your mind for attract whatever it is you most want to achieve.
If you are finally ready to tap into the unlimited power of your mind then keep reading because this could be the most important letter you read this year. or quite possibly in your entire life!
So Let Me Ask You This...
- What would it be like to have almost complete control over your own mind and body.
- To Be Able To Systematically Find And Remove Limiting Beliefs In Yourself and Others
- To Gain The Powerful Ability To Hypnotically Persuade Anyone You Meet To Do What Ever You Wanted Them To... With or Without Them Knowing
- To Rapidly and Consistently Reduce, Remove and Alleviate Any Form of Physical or Emotional Pain
- To Free People From Past Traumas, Fears and Phobias, Social Anxiety or Even Addictions to Smoking, Drinking and Drugs?
- Would You Like to use your hypnosis skills to create the life you have always wanted and help other people at the same time?
- Make More Money, Help More People, and Improve Your Relationships and Transform your life.
What if all this and more were easily possible for you once you understood and used the power of hypnosis. Hypnosis is the ability to tap into the power of the unconscious mind to easily, naturally and rapidly create powerful changes that allow you to live the life you've always wanted by removing blocks to your success, eliminating fear and acquiring new skills and confidence that magnetizes success into your life.
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are proven, consistent and reliable tools for healing, improving and changing lives since the before the early 2250's and as a therapy have consistently outperformed any other mind body discipline for creating rapid and powerful physical and mental changes.
...And Now You Can Learn This Powerful Skill and Ability For Yourself to Use On Yourself or To Create A Fantastic New Career Helping Others Through The Power of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
What Will You Do After You Understand EXACTLY How To..
- Hypnotize People Without Fear of Failure
- Hypnotize Even The Most Resistant Clients Easier
- Hypnotize People With or Without Their Knowledge
- Quickly Hypnotize People Who Say and Believe They Can't Be Hypnotized
- Bypass or Remove Any and All Resistance To Your Influence FAST
- Make Sure Your Hypnosis Always Works
- Make People Want To Change and Follow Your Suggestions
- Hypnotize Anyone Completely Ethically and Honestly,
- Hypnotize People In Writing, Over The Phone, Even While Texting
- Use Hypnosis To Improve Your Relationships, Sex Life, Etc.
- Hypnotize Groups of People As Easily As One Person.
- Create Instant and Rapid Hypnotic Inductions On The Fly That Really Work
- Have More Confidence In Your Ability To Hypnotize
- Make More Money Using Your Hypnosis Skills
- Get More Hypnosis Clients Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
- Become Known as The Leading Hypnosis Expert In Your Area
- Build Your Hypnosis Practice Into a Six Figure Business
- Handle Even The Toughest Hypnosis Cases With Absolute Confidence
Help People To :
- Eliminate Fears, Phobias, Public Speaking, Shyness, and Anxiety etc.
- Control and Remove Pain,
- Change Bad Habits, - Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Nail Biting, etc.
- Destroy Limiting Beliefs,
- Remove Inhibitions
- Improve Your Relationships
- Sell More Effectively In Person, Over The Phone, or In Writing
- Enhance Performance for Sports, The Arts, or Even In The Bedroom?
Even Dramatically Change A Persons Personality Or
... Even Create A New One?
Why This Program Is Different From Any Other Hypnosis Training Program...
I've spent my life studying and exploring the fields of mind/body Healing, Self-Improvement, Personal Evolution and Change. For The Express Purpose of
I had almost no altruistic desires for doing hypnosis at all. My Hunger For Knowledge Was and Is Truly Insatiable. And I Only wanted these Skills to for the express purpose of Making My Life, Better Easier and To be Completely Unstoppable In Every Are Of Life. My search led me through many disciplines, different schools of hypnosis, neurosciences, NLP, obscure mind/body disciplines and even martial arts forms that no one has ever heard of.
I waded and sifted through Decades of research and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars seeking out, testing and refining newer and better methods for creating fast, powerful and permanent results using hypnosis and other mind body technologies.
Then One day in 2005 I made a powerful set of connections that would forever change the way I looked at hypnosis, the mind and ultimately the world itself. The Principle Was An Obscure Reference In A Very Hard To Read Book Called The Law of Analogy" and when I finally understood it, My years of nlp training combined with it and the world unfolded for me like huge zip file. I began to really understand mental dynamics, psychosocial dynamics and more.
Since then I've continued to research and study but I've also produced a lot of materials on how the mind works, social dynamics, persuasion and influence.
In fact, within certain circles I am highly regarded by many as a Master of Covert and Conversational Hypnosis. I've written and produced courses under the pen names of David Van Arrick, David X. and "The Master" just to name a few. You can Even Google Me Later if you really want to.
But For Right Now... Pay Attention Because...
I am stepping out from behind the scenes to tell you about some incredible breakthroughs in hypnosis and mental training. These breakthrough discoveries in hypnosis, hypnotherapy and Mind Training Can Rapidly Give You a Quantum Leap in Your Ability to Hypnotize Anyone for Any Reason.... Using Covert, Overt Methods and Conversational Hypnosis Methods.
Now keep in mind, what I am going to describe to you in the next few moments may sound like magic, hocus pocus, snake oil, B.S. maybe even hypnotic heresy.
I completely understand.
The Hypnosis And Personal Development Industry is full of fakes, charlatans and cheats, and you have every right to be skeptical, heck I do this for a living and I Am Still skeptical. Being a Skeptic Keeps You Honest and Safe. But the simple truth is that you can't search for gold without sifting through some dirt. But if you keep at it long enough... every now and then you find a vein of pure shining gold, and when you find it, be sure you grab it before someone else does.(and they will)
Now... In all honesty, everything I am about to tell you is easily verifiable in one way or another.
I'm even going to say some things that may make me unpopular with the orthodox hypnosis community.
I don't care.
Some things have to be said.
In fact, some of it may even shock or anger the "less secure" egos out there.
But You May Be Wondering (then again you may not)
Who Am I To Be Telling You Anything?
For The Sake of Space I will Keep My Bio Short, After all this letter is about you, your wants, your desires and dreams and what You can finally get from what I am about to share with you. Keep that in mind as we continue together.
My Name is David Snyder, aka David Van Arrick, David X, "the Master" Etc.
I am considered by many to be a world recognized expert in the field of Applied Covert and Conversational Hypnosis Skills. I am also a licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist in The State of California, with Master's Degree in and National Certification As A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine.(NCCAOM)
I also run a busy hypnotherapy clinic in Solana Beach California where I specialize in Helping people recover from illness that is caused by repressed emotional issues. OCD, PTSD, Molestation Issues, Chronic pain, etc.
I currently run the Largest and Highest Rated FREE Hypnosis and NLP Practice Groups in California and for several years I was The President of the Largest World Wide Network of NLP and Hypnosis Practice Groups in the World.
My hypnosis practice in San Diego Specializes in Emotionally Induced Illness. And that's Just the Beginning. In the past decade, I've created Some of The Most Revolutionary and Effective Hypnosis Systems and training methods for Turning Beginners into Experts Fast That Exist.
Programs and Courses Such As My:
- S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course,
- CPI-Conversational Persuasion and Influence System and Of Course;
- "Killer Influence: Secrets of Covert Hypnosis"
Have Quickly Become Rare and Treasured Classics in the Fields of Covert Hypnosis, Covert Persuasion and Conversational Hypnosis.
Because These Methods Get Results That Are,
and they have been "Stringently Field Tested", In fact the method I am going to be sharing with you in this letter, just like my earlier programs is already being dubbed as "The Simplest, Easiest and Most Powerful Way to Hypnotize Someone without Them knowing it Ever Devised."
But Don't Just Take My Word for That...
Mandatory FTC Disclaimer...
The F.T.C. says I have to tell you that these Results Are NOT Typical. That his results are above average. That you shouldn't expect those results for yourself. There is only one small problem.
I Can't Tell You That With a Straight Face.
The F.T.C. also says I have to tell you the truth, and the truth is that that I've yet to see any of my students learn and use these Methods And NOT have astounding results and take quantum leaps in their ability to hypnotize people for any reason, both in and out of the treatment room. When they "apply" the principles and techniques we teach... the way we teach them.
Before we get into what I have to share with you I have a confession to make. Once Upon A Time...
I Used To Really Suck At Hypnosis...
No, Really, I was fascinated by hypnosis, and really wanted to be a great hypnotist.
I read book after book,
Ordered One Cheesy Home Study Course after another( you know the kind they used to advertise in the back of comic books and stuff) And of course, each one kept promising to teach me the hypnosis secrets only the "masters" knew... and every one of them with very little exception kept teaching me...
The Same Things Over and Over Again.
The worst part was of course. Most of it was stuff I didn't really want to learn about, and Most of It... Did NOT Work For Me
The advertising and sales copy were for those courses was awesome, (copywriters know more about hypnotizing people in writing than just about any non-fiction writer on the planet.) they sucked me in hook line and sinker. That should have been my first clue about what really worked and what didn't)
But when you are just starting out. You are fair game for any unethical or non-standard approach to hypnotic influence.
Plus, many times, if you are anything Like Me at the time, a person's head can be so full of all the wrong ideas about what Is and is Not Hypnosis, that they probably wouldn't recognize real hypnosis if it BONKED you over the head and then introduced itself.
Ugly, But True, and it's the first lesson I teach all of my covert and conversational hypnosis students.
"Anything Outside of Your Awareness
is Outside of Your Control"
You will quickly learn about that too. But to get back to what I was saying. I was so bad at hypnosis.
I Couldn't Even Hypnotize Myself. How sad is that?
In my early days I was mostly "self-taught" -
Being Self-Taught is NOT the Best Way to Learn Hypnosis.
Most of the time I would always be wondering if I was actually in a trance or not. Even as I kept doing the same thing over and over again, giving me suggestions and "hoping" it would work.
(Hint, hoping doesn't work)
I was always looking for some evidence that I was really hypnotized, and never being sure it would work. (Since then I've learned How to Make Sure Hypnosis ALWAYS Works,) But Back then, when I was just starting out...
I Was Truly Clueless.
Have you ever wanted to be able to hypnotize someone and just didn't know how to do It.?
Were you, or are you even afraid to try because you think it's might somehow be wrong, unethical, and just plain too hard, or it simply won't work for you?
Maybe you've even tried to hypnotize someone in the past and it just didn't work? I feel your pain.
Now the good news is whether you have very little or no experience with hypnosis at all. Or Like Me,
You too have invested thousands of dollars in attending a hypnosis training only to get home and discover things just didn't work like they said it should.
Maybe, like so many other hypnosis students you quickly discovered that what works in a teaching environment somehow always seems to fall way short of working out in the real world, in real situations on real people, who do not have a vested interest in going along or playing along with your process.
Let's Cut To The Chase...
FAILING At Anything Sucks!
And when it comes to discipline like hypnosis, besides how bad failing makes you feel about yourself...or potentially looking like a fool, The
Even Harsher Reality is...
Failing To Hypnotize Someone When You Really Want, or Need To...
- Stops You From Getting What You Want
- Destroys Your Self Confidence
- Makes You Doubt Your Techniques
- Kills Your Courage to try and hypnotize someone the next time you get the chance... if you actually ever get the chance again.
- Makes It Harder To Hypnotize Some One Else: If Others See You Fail At Hypnotizing People... They Become Harder For You To Hypnotize
"I Know How That Feels"
It's the ugly truth most people don't want to face. I remember the bitter frustration and disappointment I felt the first time I nervously tried to do a hypnosis induction...And I Failed
...My heart was pounding,
...I was actually sweating,
...I wasn't sure what to do next.
...As a result...
Not only did I fail miserably...
"Everyone In The Room Laughed At Me."
Failing to be able to hypnotize someone when you are one on one with them is bad enough. But ... Failing To Successfully Hypnotize a Person In Front Of Other People
"Makes You Look a Fool and Feel Like A Fraud"
That Made Me Angrier Than Anything Else. You See The One Thing I Cherish More Than Anything Is My Integrity and My Credibility. As a hypnotist you're Ability, Integrity and Credibility Is Everything. And that's why...
You Want To Be Taken "Seriously" As a Hypnotist
Otherwise you lose much of your power to hypnotize people ...period. At the very least you lose access to some of your most powerful hypnotic operators. You see that's why you need to move through world exuding a confidence and energy that people respond to both consciously and unconsciously and that's something NO hypnosis program I've seen will ever teach you.
But I'll show you exactly how to develop and radiate it on command...
But there is also another reason that's even more fundamental. You see I've built my entire life around my ability to keep my promises and deliver what I say I can deliver... regardless of how "outrageous" "Hype" or "over-the-top" it might sound.
- I believe a man (or woman) should walk his or her talk.
- Be Able And Willing To Put Your Skills and Abilities Where their Mouth Is And
- PROVE You Can Do What You Say You Can Do.
It's a throwback to my early martial arts training. Anytime someone would come into the school talking big. The first thing my instructor did was say.
"Let's Get On The Mat."
And you either walked off the mat, Or Got Carried Off. In any case, Everyone New the Truth about Your Skills.
I became the same way with hypnosis.
I literally became OBSESSED With Becoming a Master of Hypnotic Arts and Sciences. Not Just Hypnotherapy, but EVERY Form of Hypnotic Influence I could find.
I Wanted It All!
Maybe You Know What That Is Like? To Want Something So Badly That You Are Willing To Do What Ever It Takes To Make It Happen. I spent decades searching, and researching. Spent hours practicing, and well over $100,000.00 to put together the secrets and methods I've uncovered. To Put It Bluntly...
It Wasn't Easy For Me.
But It Will Be Much Much Easier For You Because...
"I've Already Done All The Hard Work For You"
Before I found the amazing discoveries I'll be sharing with you, I literally spent years terrified of hypnotizing anyone and not even wanting to try for fear of failing and looking like an incompetent fool. Worse yet, my success rates with clients were dismal.
I failed to get results 50% of the time. Oh, I could get them relaxed using the progressive relaxation techniques I'd been taught. But most of the time
I Couldn't Get People to Change Using
Hypnosis Even If I'd Held a Gun to Their Head
The Simple Truth is that all my old classical trainings had never really taught me what was truly important when it comes to doing real hypnosis, covert or otherwise.
Once I made the amazing breakthroughs I'll be revealing in Renegade Hypnosis Everything Changed... It was like someone flipped a switch.
We call it "Seeing the Matrix “and once you do...
You'll Become An Unstoppable, Irresistible Hypnosis Machine
"Okay David So What Makes "Real World Hypnosis" So Special and Different From Other Hypnosis Trainings?"
"Real World Results"
Let's get to the bottom line.
The world doesn't care about theory, You Don't Really Care about Theory.
You're reading this because There Is Something That YOU Want, Something That You Want More Of, Or You're NOT Getting ...
Am I Right? The Bottom Line Is That Results Are The Only Thing That Matter...
You Want Results...
You’re Clients Want Results...
The World DEMANDS Results
I'll Help YOU Make Sure You Get Results
Let me explain something. In my clinic.
- I work with some "Heavy Duty Issues, Sexual Abuse, Molestation,
Rape, Traumas, P.T.S.D., and O.C.D. Etc. - I work with repressed anger, guilt, and sadness, shame, all expressing itself as "Physical Ailments" Real physical issues arising from repressed emotional causes. ( I have some pretty interesting cases)
- "I Work Almost Exclusively On Medical Referrals from Doctors Whose Patients Aren't Getting Better From the Normal Course of Treatment.
- Most of These People Want To Change, BUT Don't Want To Face What's Keeping Them In Misery.
- My techniques not only have to work to clear their issues, They Also Have To Bypass Or Remove Resistance to Hypnosis...And Not just some of the time.
My Methods HAVE To Work As Close To 100%
of The Time As Possible... And They Do!
With The Methods You'll Be Learning Here In May 4th through May 8th, 2020
- 9 out of every 10 People Will Go Into trance on the first attempt - And they don't even need to believe hypnosis will work.
- You'll always know how to make hypnosis work
- You will get resolution and change for a very high percentage of clients*
- You'll know exactly what to say and do to melt away any resistance your client has.
*Usually in excess of 90% But the FTC does NOT allow me to claim that - Therefore - These Results May Not Be Typical For You. Those Are My Results, Yours May Vary. ( But I Sincerely, Doubt It)
You May Ask Why?
I'll tell you right now.
Because I Am ALL About Results In The Real World
Where It Counts...
Being a Master Hypnotist Means Being Able To Use Hypnosis Any Time and Any Where for What Ever You Want!
You know there is nothing worse than investing your hard earned money in a career or discipline like hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Going through a training that you hope will properly prepare you for what you want and then when you finally graduate only to find out you it doesn't work for you.
But I will tell you this from the bottom of my hypnotic heart.
I Guarantee This Program Will For You...
I Guarantee It or I'll Give You Your Entire Tuition Back!
This Program Will Not Only Give You The Tools, Tactics and Techniques To Completely and Powerfully hypnotize anyone with or without their knowledge, resolve even the most stubborn issues and quickly reprogram you and/or your subjects to get whatever you want.
It WILL Work Better Than Any Approach You've Probably Ever Tried...
- IF you have ever come out of a hypnosis, NLP, or other mind control training feeling like everyone else is ahead or knows more than you...
This Course Is For You.
- If you feel nervous or Insecure when hypnotizing anyone for any reason...
This Program Will work For you
- If you ever find yourself at a loss for words or "go blank' while hypnotizing someone
This Method Will Work For You
- If you consistently encounter resistance to your suggestions when hypnotizing people
This course will work for you.
- If you have ever wanted to be master of conversational hypnosis
This Course will work for you:
- IF are serious about becoming a hypnotherapist
- This course is VITAL For You.
- IF after years of struggling you still can't get your hypnosis business off the ground You Want This Training.
- IF you have walls full of hypnosis and NLP certifications and STILL Feel Like You Are NOT GOOD ENOUGH This Course Will Work For You.
- IF You Have EVER Failed With A Subject Or A Client In The Past... This System Will Work For You.
Let's face it, out in the real world you usually only get one chance to prove yourself. And once people label you as someone who doesn't know what they are doing,
You’re Credibility and Sometimes Your Business is WIPED OUT!
Not All Hypnosis Training Is The Same!
Many Hypnosis Training's Will Teach You Old Out-Dated, Obsolete and Just Plain WRONG Information About Hypnosis that has ONLY ever worked on a Small Percentage of People...and Even then, It was tough to do.
But The Real World Hypnosis Model Will Give You The Certainty, The Skills AND The Knowledge You've Been Looking For, and result with clients that will really amaze you.
One of the reasons is because a lot of what you will be learning is NOT based on old-school Clinical Hypnosis Theory.
Our Standards HAVE To Be Much Higher Than Those Taught In Most Run of the Mill Hypnosis and NLP Classes. Here's A SMALL Sample of What You Will Be Learning.
Here's Just Some of What
Real World Hypnosis Will Teach You:
The "State Secrets" Model: Secrets of Neurological Coherence and Proprioceptive Connection - Rapid, Unstoppable, Unbeatable and Repeatable Rapport Secrets
- Self-State Control
- State Control Secrets will give you the power to go into and out of any psycho-emotional state on demand you Instantly are able tap into Unstoppable Confidence, Certainty, and even Charisma... On Command.
- You will learn how to instantly recognize less than positive shifts in your emotions and you'll automatically be able to shift into and out any state as an act of will.
- Once you understand this simple but powerful set of self-control principles, No one will ever be able to push your emotional hot buttons or manipulate your feelings without your permission ever again and that's just the beginning.
- Perhaps one of the most fascinating and astounding aspects of this system is the power to transfer emotional states from you to another and vice versa.
- This amazing skill has nothing to do with psychic abilities or Remote Viewing mumbo jumbo.
- It's all based on the concept of proprioceptive feedback loops, mirror neurons and neurological coherence. All Scientifically Validated Phenomena.
- No other hypnosis system teaches you how to use this unique combination of natural hypnotic operators to create unspoken hypnotic influence with your subjects, clients or prospects.
State Projection:
The Simple, Clear, Easy To Understand Drills and Exercises Expertly Guide You through the varying degrees of emotional state projection skills in an amazingly fast amount of time.
State Management:
Our training specialized training methods have a lot to do with our students rapid and consistent success rates with subjects. Plus It's Really A lot of FUN
- State Management is the Next Level in the State Secrets Module where you learn to combine both verbal (language skills) and non-verbal skills to quickly cause your subjects to begin to experience whatever sequence of emotional states you want.
- This is the domain of the Master Hypnotist, and we will get you there in record time because we are going to be giving you lots and lots of time to practice it and prove to yourself just how powerful it is.
Once you experience this, you'll wonder how you ever did without it.
Sample Techniques Include
- The Master and Commander Technique
- Positions of Power
- Sphere of Influence
- Transparent Projection
- Invisible Mirror
- And Much More
- You'll learn how to become emotionally in control at all times,
- create any emotional state that you want, any time you want.
- Match and lead people into emotional states that you choose
- Send and receive emotional information and feelings even from across a crowded room.
Powerful Stuff!
And it's Just One of The Core Competencies You'll Learn Only In Renegade Hypnosis
Here are Some Key Concepts That Drive Real World Hypnosis And Why Real World Hypnosis so Effective
The New Rules of Real World Hypnosis:
- Belief Is NOT Required For It To Work.
In fact you only need one special ingredient and 9 out of 10 people will go into trance for you the very first time you attempt a hypnosis Induction.
But without that one simple secret ingredient All The Believing In The World WON'T Do You Any Good and It Won't Lead To Change In Your Subject. Real World Hypnosis Will Show You How To Get The Magic Ingredient With Every Client or Subject.
This one vital discovery, among the many, you'll learn in this module, Is a complete Game Changer for anyone using hypnosis for therapy persuasion, sales, teaching, seduction or any other form of communication.
Resistance is Now Futile!
Resistance Reversal Remover Recipe
Old School Hypnotists spend a large part of their initial sessions trying to eliminate resistance to hypnosis and building different levels of trust and belief that hypnosis is real and that it will work for the client. This would often take a such a long time that some hypnotists would actually create a recorded message for the clients to listen to, or watch before coming to the first session in order to save time.
That's still a very good idea.
However with the new distinctions in Renegade Hypnosis you can quickly set the stage for your commands to be instantly accepted and acted upon even if the client doesn't actually believe in hypnosis at first. Or even that they can be hypnotized at all.
We call this Module Secrets of Hypnotic Inner Game and You're Going To Love It.
- We've tested these simple mindset tweaks and it completely changes the level of hypnotic receptivity and compliance among subjects.
- Even clients who said they couldn't be hypnotized quickly found themselves in deep hypnosis.
- It's amazingly simple yet nearly unstoppable once you've done it.
- And You'll Never Go Back To The Old Hypnosis Models Again.
Physiological Hypnosis EXPOSED:
Secrets of Irresistible Hypnosis and Hypnotic Feedback Loops
For centuries, It was believed hypnosis was all in our heads or to put it more accurately, in our minds.
As it turns out hypnosis is NOT, just in our minds. It's also in our brains and in our bodies.
The information that led to this discovery was accumulated over many years and well over $100,000.00 not to mention the years dedicated to this study.
And even then the discovery literally sat on my hard drive for close to 5 years before I found it and put it all together.
But When I did...
Nearly All my subjects went into trance.
Nearly All The Time.
When I taught it to complete novices.
99% of all their subjects went into deep trance states
the very first time they did it.
It took me less than 16 minutes to introduce the concept, do the demo and have them break out into practice groups The results were Almost Too Good To Believe.
And, usually,
- Usually in less than 5 minutes,
- Using 4 simple commands that activate the physiological mechanism that
induces hypnosis in any normal human being.
Here is the Big Concept You Want To Grasp.
Any Communication Received Through The Body
is Next To Impossible To For The Untrained Mind To Resist
This is just one of the reasons Renegade Hypnosis Can Bypass, Dissolve or Simply Override Resistance. And That's Really Important Because contrary to what even some of my Best Mentors Taught Me.
Resistance Does Exist.
But With Real World Hypnosis
... It Simply No Longer Matters.
- You'll learn exactly what you must tell every hypnotherapy subject that can completely eliminate most forms of resistance and
- It actually makes your pre-hypnosis interview shorter.
- Virtually Guarantees They Will Go Deeply Into A Trance The Very First Time You Hypnotize Them
This particular protocol really saved me a lot of time when it came to hypnotizing people for the very first session, and even while doing conversational or street hypnosis techniques.
It goes way beyond the simple hypnotic contract that everyone teaches and really helps even control freaks go deeply into hypnosis with a feeling of complete safety and compliance to your suggestions.
But only the Renegade Hypnosis System can help you effectively deal with the ‘naturally resistant person.
Again, it's not magic, (well, maybe just a little)
It's really just good science working hand-in-hand with the ability to observe, integrate, and apply time-tested methods for creating powerful trance states and hypnotic phenomena... and together...
"The Results Are Greater Than The Sum of the Parts.
...And Usually Much Easier To Apply."
Here's What Else You'll Learn:
The Compliance Code:
4 Pillars of Irresistible Hypnotic Influence
There are four macro hypnotic operators that every seeker of influence must know, understand and master the use of. When you do everyone you meet goes irresistible and often eagerly into trance.
These are the Universal Amplifiers of Charisma, Ability To Be Dominant and Commanding ,and Accessing Connection to others that practically guarantee compliance in any human being if at least 2 of them are present.
It also helps you predict what kind of compliance you are likely to get depending on which of the four you use.
This is a hallmark of my conversational and covert hypnosis trainings STEALTH - CPI and Killer Influence.
And When you Apply It To Hypnotherapy the hypnosis begins the minute they start communicating with you.
Hypnotizing people just gets easier and easier.
I could go on and on about what each of the individual components of Renegade Hypnosis Will Teach You.
But this letter would never end and it's pretty long already,
Here is a quick summary of what else you'll be learning in Addition To Everything I've mentioned already.
- The Magic Formula For Creating Irresistible Hypnotic Techniques: The Master Formula For Hypnotic Power
- HYPER-RAPPORT - Secrets of Neurological Coherence, Proprioceptive Suggestion, and Control.
- Tactical Trance Work - Hypnotic Change Trance Work Flows That Deliver Big changes fast.
- Strategic Suggestion - Myths and Misconceptions of Suggestion and Suggestibility Exposed
- Hypnosis In Free-Fall - Being Prepared For The Unexpected And Winning.
- Bucket Listing - Setting The Stage For Easy, Fast and Powerful Change
- Bullet Point Trance Training Method - learn and perform any hypnotic process more easily, rapidly and confidently and never worry about needing to know what to say or follow a script ever again.
- Irresistible Hypnotic Language Patterns: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 - Four Families of Hypnotic Language That Most People Can't Resist Even When They Are NOT In Trance.
Practically Unstoppable When Delivered
In Formal Trance, and Completely Undetectable.
Brand New Breakthrough...
Real World Resistance Removal Recipe!
- This protocol has never been introduced in any hypnosis training before.
- But it should become a standard for all hypnosis practitioners.
- It can simply dissolve resistance in minutes and at the same time give you valuable insights into what truly drives your subject.
- I know, all you NLP folks are thinking He Must Be Talking About Criteria and Values (if you don't know what that is don't worry, you'll learn it in the training.)
- But 'm NOT just talking about Criteria and Values as Taught In NLP
- I'm not just rehashing NLP Motivation Strategies.
This Goes far beyond that , and Ironically It's Much Easier To Use
There is so much more that will be teaching in the Five Day Hypnosis Certification Boot Camp.
Keep Reading to Learn More.
And We Do Get Letters...
"...Worth Its Weight In Gold!"
"I have come to realize that hypnosis is much easier than thought. You may think it's hard, truthfully it isn’t.
David was an excellent instructor guiding you through all the different aspects of hypnosis, explaining everything as needed when asked and followed through with great exercises.
Who would a thought that hypnosis is communicated more frequently than not?
Have you ever realized you've already been hypnotized and you enjoy it! Having a greater understanding of hypnosis as a whole was a great learning lesson.
I am now speaking with better hypnotic ability enticing people to reach their dreams.
Are you worried about practicing hypnosis?
I was a little hesitant at first; after the training, I helped a friend with a few of his issues and he's now hired me to hypnotize his employees to increase his company's sales! Not bad for a weekend seminar
This course is definitely worth its weight in gold.
- Do you want to work on yourself? This course has that down.
- Do you like helping others? This course does that as well.
I can't express enough, how satisfied I am with the training I received
...It's a life changer."
J.P. Mazare'
Toronto Canada
"I Almost Didn't Attend!"
I almost didn't attend because I was totally Unfamiliar with Just How Powerful This Form Of Hypnosis and Communication Can Be.
I am acutely aware now of how useful the information is and how easily I can incorporate in my everyday interactions with colleagues, clients, and friends.As a result of attending the CPI course, I find that I am open-minded to what is possible, to all that I can achieve by implementing certain techniques, thereby alleviating mis-communications and other factors that detract from my message.
The specific feature I find most appealing about Real World Hypnosis is how accessible it is to everyone, regardless of your education, your experience, your line of work, or your personal ideology.
Let's imagine I am before a room full of highly educated people who are dubious of my message, which means that I am likely working at an extreme disadvantage.
By employing what I have learned in CPI, my training allows me to overcome any perceived obstacles and engage my audience on a higher level.
In addition, this course taught me how much control I can have over my own state and how, with practice, I can start to achieve much more with much less energy and stress.
As I begin to recognize that the tools I have learned better enable me to address my goals, I start to realize better outcomes in each and every one of my goals.
I highly recommend this course to everyone of all different backgrounds. The other people who attended the course with me varied drastically in their ages, jobs, home states (and even countries), and perspectives, yet we all quickly appreciated the power of what we were learning and the millions of different applications it could have for everyone.
I look forward to future training events in which I expect to apply what I am learning and practicing so that I can take my skills even further.
I am aware that as this course was extremely dense with valuable information, we have barely scratched the surface of the impact RWH can and will have on our daily interactions.
Daniel Wright*
Idaho Falls, Idaho USA
"The Techniques REALLY Work!"
"I Can Say That I Have Learned A Lot And The Techniques Really Work"
Hi David, I just wanted to acknowledge and thank you for your 3 Questions Seminar this afternoon.
It was very informative and I have already tried it out with amazing results.
As a student of both your courses, I can say that I have learned a lot and the techniques you teach really work.
Thanks Again
Kevin McNamara*
Look I didn't Become a Great Hypnotist Overnight, chances are you won't either.
But, We Can Significantly Shorten The Learning Curve. It's Going To Take Some Energy, and Effort On Your Part Just Like It Did For Me.
And you are going to need something else that is just as important. Something I was missing for years, Something that once I had it gave me quantum leaps in my hypnosis skills.
The same magic ingredient that helped me become a powerful confident, unstoppable hypnotist… Is The Same Thing That Will Transform You Too Because
“I’ll Be Your Mentor!”
Finding The RIGHT Teachers dramatically changed The course of my life as hypnotist and ultimately every aspect of my life.
The Right Mentor Can Change Your Life Too and Now you won't have to spend close to 16 years like I did gathering together The Best of the Best Information Out There.
And you'll have my Ongoing Support Long After You've Completed Your Accelerated Hypnosis Training To Help Make Sure You Are Successful
The Simple But Honest Truth...
I am 1000% committed to training and turning you into one of the most powerful, effective and competent hypnotist on the planet. If you are up to the challenge, I'm ready to train you!
In fact I'm so committed to that mission that I am prepared to spend entire weeks at a time turning each and every one of my "Real World Renegade" hypnosis students into...A Hypnotic Super Hero!
And I am REALLY Not Kidding, I'll even show you how to use "Hypnosis for Self Defense" to Protect Yourself against a would-be attacker. (yes, it really works)
And I am going to do it by teaching you a system of hypnosis That Will Dramatically Transform The Way You Do Hypnosis...Forever!
In fact, you'll feel so powerful and confident one student even told me
It's Like Having Your Own Super Power!
And you know what, he's right!
This course will not only give you Jedi-like hypnosis skills, Build Your Inner Confidence and Darn Near...
Guarantee You Never Fail
At Hypnotizing Someone EVER Again!
Let me tell you, I know this sounds like a crazy almost arrogant boast. But I couldn't say it, if it weren't absolutely true. There are certain laws of physics, which once you understand them practically Guarantee...
You'll Be Able To Hypnotize Practically Anyone You Want
... Without Resistance!
But Believe Me when I tell you that IF you learn, practice and apply the principles we teach you in Real World Hypnosis practically no one can stop or many times even resist your influence.
It can do that for you because Renegade Hypnosis is NOT Based on Centuries Old Theory, or techniques that have been around since ancient Egypt, the stone age or even Milton Erickson.
No Offense to "Uncle Milty", but there were things about the human mind even HE did not know and You Will. Because While Renegade Hypnosis Certainly teaches you only the best time proven hypnosis skills... It also has one HUGE difference...
Real World Hypnosis is also a synthesis of cutting edge neuroscience, social psychology and many other sciences that combine to create an entirely new approach to hypnosis that most people couldn't resist even if they wanted to, and the best part is...
Your Subjects won't want to resist you because it feels so good.
The Real World Hypnosis System is An Upgraded, Cutting-Edge Understanding of Powerful Keys To The Mind That Go Beyond Most of What is Commonly Taught In Any Hypnosis or NLP training. We don't offer this rare and valuable training often So....
Here's My Special Time Sensitive Offer And...
On May 4th Through May 8th, 2020
I'll Be Conducting The Most Cutting Edge Hypnosis Training in Decades
Real World Hypnosis:
"Regression Skills Intensive"
Hypnosis Training and Certification Boot Camp
The training will be conducted at my secret training facility here in San Diego, Where for five solid days I will drill you and training you the most cutting edge hypnosis techniques, concepts and principles ever discovered.
You'll learn more in those five days than most people learn in 20 years. And you'll be able to actually use your skills like you've doing them for years. Even with only a few days of our specialized training process.
Truth be told.
I've been hoarding this information too long. My refusal to teach this stuff openly and certify people in the method has held good hypnotists back and opened the door for more hypnosis charlatans and "Snake Oil Salesmen".
It's time to Right That Wrong.
All you have to do Is Grab The Early Bird Fast Action Scholarship, and be here in San Diego, May 4th, 2020 Through May 8th, 2020.
We will do the rest.
And it's absolutely worth it because I am truly going to make this five day hypnosis training event something that Will Change Your Life Forever.
Imagine the alternative... Imagine What Not Having the Skills I'm going to teach you and how much THAT WILL Cost You.
Naturally if you live here in San Diego or California in general it's much easier to Get Here that's why I'm giving you a really advanced notice. And I Promise To Really Make It Worth Your While To Get Here For This Rare And Precious Event.
Sometimes the Best Things Have to Be Acted On when you get the chance to Do It, because if you don't Grab It when it comes up.
You may never get the chance again. Sometimes you have to Follow Your Head. Other times you have To Go with Your FEELINGS.
Only if you are one of the first 20 people to enroll By September 1st, 2020 at 11:59 PM After that time the Price Begins To Go Up and Up Until The Date of The Training.
Early Birds Win Big On This So Grab It Early.
A So, buy now you may curious Just What Else I'll Be Teaching You In March That Is So Radically Different From The Usual Hypnosis Training and Certification.
The Answer... Pretty Much Everything
Now don't get me wrong, some hypnotic principles and techniques have withstood the test of time and you Will Absolutely Learn Those. But other concepts and ideas don't hold true anymore, and some were just sorely in need of updating and revision.
Real World Hypnosis Also incorporates Other discoveries from many disciplines of Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and Many Other Types of Powerful Hypnotic Operators Have Never even been discussed, much less used in hypnotherapy.
Until Now.
You'll learn things, you can't even imagine. But the magic isn't just in the information, although it will seem pretty magical, all technologically advanced stuff does. The Real Magic My Friend...
"Is Also in HOW I'll Be Teaching You."
Our Motto is "Do The Drills and Get The Skills” and that's exactly what we will be doing for five solid days. By the end of the first day you WILL Be Hypnotizing People Faster and More Deeply Than Many 10 Year Veterans of Hypnosis.
The Power comes from the training methodology itself, and when you combine it with the cutting edge information and techniques from neuroscience, psychology, energetics and even martial arts and marketing.
Believe Me When I Tell You.
You Won't Find This Much Hard Core, Pure Distilled Knowledge and Technique In ANY Training.
Look, I've trained with some of the best. If you are reading this you already know that.
But don't just take my word for it. Other very smart people have discovered the power behind the methods... and They Aren't Exactly Novices Either...
"You Get To Practice It, and
Make Sure That You Can Do It!"Here is MY personal note on this subject...
- I have taken a BUNCH of hypnosis classes and seminars....
- I have taken a few NLP classes including the NLP Practitioner training from Tad James..
- and have sat through the Master Prac tape set twice or 3 times...
This is some of the same stuff.. sure.. But it is put into REAL LIFE usage right on the spot.
You learn not only what to do.. but WHY you do it.. and How to use it in your life.
I KNOW all of the sub-modalities stuff from NLP.. but it is taught in a CLINICAL setting only...
if you didn't do any clinical work.. what would you use it for??
I know how to elicit strategies, but mostly for a business sales setting...
... If I don't do business and sales.... how do I use that skill??
When David teaches the CPI stuff at the meetings....
you learn
- HOW to do it...
- WHY you do it...
- Where you can use it...
...and you get to practice it and make sure that you can DO IT...
giving you the confidence to go out that very night and DO IT!....
I consider myself fairly well versed in the NLP and the Hypnosis stuff..
But I am going to be there because I KNOW that I will learn REAL LIFE USABLE techniques for stuff I may.. or may not already know.
I look forward to seeing you tonight at the party... and to seeing you at the seminar as well.
Richard Rumble
Mister HypnosisMission Viejo, CA
"Your Classes Are Top Notch
And A Step Above"David,
I just wanted to let you know how much I'm getting out of your classes!
As a practicing hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner, and having been through several other NLP trainings, your classes are definitely top notch and a step above, and give us plenty of opportunities to learn and train our skills.I love your easy to remember and use systems, such as the 4 Magic Bullets, which has already become my default induction.
I often find myself naturally and automatically using the hypnotic language patterns you've taught us while driving and conversing with others.
Thanks so much, and keep it up can't wait for the next training!
Jason West
NLP Master Practitioner
Orange County, CA
In Five Days You'll know more about how the mind really works, and how to get powerful lasting change quicker and more easily than ever before.
Hypnosis will no longer be a mystery to you. Getting people to follow your lead, and helping them change. Helping people get what they say they want will be substantially easier once you have these trade secrets.
And Believe Me,
They ARE Trade Secrets.
So, I know you are wondering if 5 days is going to be enough to learn all this material, Trust Me when I say it is because I won't only be working with you during those five days...
I'll Still Be Helping You And Guiding
You One Full Year From Now!
Yep, you heard that right.
You see I'm on a mission to help you make your personal and professional dreams come true. And I am prepared to reward your ongoing faith in me by supplying ongoing coaching and training for you. So for the first 37 people to grab my super early bird Renegade Hypnosis Training package You're Also Going To Get...
An $18,200.00 Bonus!
FREE When You Confirm
Your Seat to Real World Hypnosis
Not only will you get the most "cutting- edge" "beginner to expert", "get-started-fast" training possible.
You'll also receive a full year of phone, tele-seminar and email coaching for a Full 12 Months.
You'll be able to call me, or email me any time with your most pressing concerns and questions about how to be successful with hypnosis.
You'll get access to "members only webinars and tele-seminars" that help to take you further, professionally and personally than any other training.
I'll also be giving you special discounts on advanced training products, and services. Most of which the Non-Renegade Hypnotist Will NEVER See.
Now if you really want to factor this down to sheer dollars and cents. My Normal Coaching Rate is $350.00 Per hour. If You Wanted To Work With Me That's The Minimum You Would Have To Pay
Let's do the math on this. Let me remind you this is AN UNLIMITED Coaching Program For One Full Year.
If you were To Only Call Me Once a Month For One Hour @ $350.00 Per Hour. (and this doesn't even count the webinars, e-zines, forums and updates I'll Be Giving You. It Would Cost You $4200.00 Just To Talk To Me.
If You Wanted To Talk To Me Every Week For An Hour.
It Would Cost You $18,200.00 For A Year of This
Kind of "One On One" Coaching and Support.
"I'm So Thankful...! "
I thought it would be appropriate after this past year to give thanks to someone who has inspired and pushed me to reach further for more and more ESPECIALLY during the many times when I've been frustrated due to my perceived lack of progress.
I'm so thankful to have had our paths cross and I'm equally proud to call myself a hypnotist.
Mark Stein
Designated Broker-Officer
San Diego CA
Reserve My Seat For
Real World Hypnosis Now
Let Me Ask You This,
- A Do you really want to be good at hypnotizing people?
- Do You Really Want To Help Others?
- Do You Really Deserve It?
- Are You Committed To Doing What It Takes To Be A Great Hypnotist?
- Do You Want To Have The Most Fun You'll Ever Have While Getting It?
Because if you answered yes to any of the questions above. I am just as committed to helping you Become That Person That You Say You Want To Be.
I don't offer you this bonus lightly. It's a Major Commitment To Your Success On My Part.
Now You and I both know we all have this stupid little voice in the back of our heads telling us all the reasons why we shouldn't do something, or can't have something, or saying things like, what if it doesn't work?
I Get That.
As a hypnotist, you and I both know that listening to that cowardly voice is exactly what's keeping you stuck. So In All Honesty...
You know, in life there are no guarantees. Nothing Comes Without Effort. But I CAN Guarantee You This...
If You Don't Act On Your Dreams And Move Forward No Matter What...
They Will NEVER Come True For You.
And At This Investment, it Will Never Come Easier For You or more reasonable for you ever again.
Look I could go on and on about how this training will change your life, put you on the fast track to everything you want and, help you get out of your own way, blah blah blah.
You Already Know This.
Or you wouldn't have kept reading to this point... Right?
You now also know that I always believe in Rewarding Those Who Take Quick Decisive Action.
I'm not all that concerned with whether or not you Jump On This Right Now. Or you don't. The decision to get this for yourself is ENTIRELY Up To You. You Know If This Program Is Right For You.
So If and only IF You're Ready To Take Fast Decisive Action And Get The Training, The Skills and The Life You Want. Then I'm going to make it Really Easy For You. And Reward Your Courage at The Same Time.
Let's Break It Down For You.
Here's What You're Getting...
- 5 Day Real Hypnosis Training and Certification $2250.00 Value
- The Real World Hypnosis: Identity-by-Design Boot Camp Home Study Course $2250 Value
- 12 Full Months of My Unlimited "On Demand” Platinum Coaching Program Worth $$18,200.00
All Together This Special Training Package Is Worth Over
$21,694.00 Value
If you wanted to get all this stuff on your own or at any other time. $21,694.00 is The Minimum you would pay. And Honestly... It's Still A Deal and Totally Worth It At FULL Price.
Take The Fast Action Scholarship SAVE $1497.00 Right Now!
Reserve Your Seat Today, or Before September 1st, 2020
I am Going To Give A Special HALF PRICE Limited Time, Fast Action Early Bird Scholarship.
That Means You Get Over $1497.00 OFF the Full Tuition for the Complete 5 Day Real World Hypnosis Training and Certification Boot Camp!
PLUS You’ll also Receive:
- The Complete Real World Hypnosis: Identity By Design Home Study Course 16 DVD Quality Videos of Cutting Edge, Clinically Proven Technique and Innovations Combined with Stunning Demonstrations and Powerful Installation Exercises That Will Make You Practically Unstoppable, Competent and Confident as a Hypnotist.No Fluff, NO BS All Full Power Hypnotherapy Methods That Really Work.
- One Full Year (That’s 12 Months) of Unlimited "On Demand" Phone and Email Coaching For With Me For Free... and the most you'll have to invest for the entire thing is a measly one time installment just $1497.00…
Do The Math...
Getting the Best Hypnosis Training Possible Has NEVER Been Easier and More Affordable. But I can only do this for the early adopters and fast action takers. So this offer is strictly limited to the First 20 People Who Enroll Before April 15th, 2020.
Please Note If We Hit Our Quota of 20 Attendees Before April 15th. 2020, The Tuition Will AUTOMATICALLY Increase regardless of the Date. So Be sure To Reserve Your Spot Right Now Before Someone Else Takes Your Special Seat At This Exclusive Training
Grab Your Early Bird Fast Action DISCOUNT And Get the Entire Real World Hypnosis
Training, Certification & MASSIVE Bonus Package Worth $21,694.00 For Only…
One Easy Installment
Reserve My Seat For
Real World Hypnosis Now
But You Must Register Before The Deadline
On April 15th, 2020 @ 11:59 PM
No, I'm not crazy.
I'm Convinced!
I told you I wanted to make it easy for you.
Now I am fully aware that for people who really aren't ready for this material I could literally offer it to them for free and they STILL wouldn't take it or act on it. That's Because They Are Not Ready. They Aren't Done Suffering Yet.
I don't want to work with those kinds of people. Neither should you if you want to be successful. Some people honestly need to suffer a lot before they are willing to change. If you're tired of suffering, if you want more from your life.
Click This Link NOW and CLAIM Your EARLY BIRD Fast Action Scholarship
To Real World Hypnosis Before April 15, 2020 and You'll Get The Entire 5 Day No- Holds-Barred, "Accelerated", "Beginner-To-Expert-In-Record-Time" Training.
The Complete Real World Hypnosis: Identity-By-Design Boot Camp Home Study Course Valued at $2250 and One Year Long My Personal Platinum On-Demand Hypnosis Coaching and Success Program Worth $18,200.00 Absolutely FREE
For Just One Easy
Installment of $1497.00
Reserve My Seat for
Real World Hypnosis Now
Solid Gold Iron-Clad 100%
Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Your Success is Important To Me…
If You aren’t 100% Happy Just Let Me Know By The End Of Day 2 Of The Training …
And we will promptly refund all your money. No questions, no hassles–it’s that simple!
Dr. David Snyder DACM, C.Ht, NLP, L.Ac.
Reserve My Seat for
Real World Hypnosis Now
Listen, I don't succeed unless you my student succeeds. So obviously I have a very vested interest in helping YOU Get Exactly What You Came to This Training For. However...
If For Any Reason, By The Second Day of Training You Don't Feel Like You Are Getting Many Times The Value You Invested To Be Here. If you're Not Hypnotizing People, Faster, Easier, More Confidently than Ever Before.
If you're not Creating Powerful Hypnotic Changes and Effects In People Smoothly and Consistently.
Heck, If don't like the color of my clothes that day.
Bottom Line Satisfaction Guarantee!
If You Are Not Satisfied For Any Reason. Just Turn In Your Class Materials By the End of the Second Day and I'll IMMEDIATELY Give You A Prompt and COMPLETE Refund.
You Have Absolutely Zero Risk For This Training and Everything To Gain.
In Fact, The worst that could happen Is That You Enjoy a Nice Little Mini-Vacation Here in Sunny San Diego. But I'm not worried because I know what kind of changes the materials and training methods will do for you. I know intimately just how powerful these methods work. And They WILL Work For You. Or I'll Give You Ever Penny of Your Tuition Back.
But Time Is Running Out For The Early Bird Special.
Obviously Because of the Massive Coaching Element in This Training Package, and the Low Low Tuition.
I Can Only Give This Scholarship Package To The First 20 People Who
Click The Link Now To Register For the
September Training Before It's Too Late.
"I Have To Thank You From
The Bottom Of My Heart"Hi David, I have to thank you from my heart.
The moment when I immediately said yes to your workshop offer has proved to be a major turning point (mentally and physically) in my life.
In the 3 weeks since I took your class, so many doors of opportunity have opened for me that frankly I feel a bit dizzy.
I consider myself to be an extremely lucky person, but this blows right past mere "lucky" to "pretty darn incredible"!
So many influential people, sponsors, mentors and resources have come into my life and opened themselves up before me as if I had a magic master key.
They have revealed new possibilities (and each one is bigger and better than the last) and many new directions to take my energies in the days to come.
"What Can I Say - It Is Just Fantastic."
My eyes have been opened to a vision of what I can achieve in this world and I have been given the opportunity to create a future bigger than I ever dared to dream...
In years to come when I look back at my journey, I will recognize the moment I said YES to your offer as when it all began for me.
I am fortunate to know you and have you for a friend and mentor.
Thanks again.
Here's to greater success to you - and I 🙂
RamPS: When I re-read this before hitting the SEND button, I realize that it sound as if I am on something that is not legal.
Yes I am high, but only on the thoughts that are buzzing around inside my head.
Ramdas Menon C.Ht. NLP
Carlsbad, CA
Reserve My Seat For
Real World Hypnosis Now
Well my friend, that is what we have for you.
If you have any questions at all you can call me directly at 858-282-4663 or email us at [email protected]
This coming January, a brand new breed of hypnotist will be born. This is YOU chance to be on the cutting edge of a hypnosis method that truly delivers the results you want in your life. I am truly committed to helping you get the life you want, the way you want it.
Now is Your Chance to Make a Difference if the life of yourself and others. And at this low investment it's never been easier. This letter is going to well over 60, 000 people in the next five days.
But I am giving you the first shot at one of those lucky 20 seats and remember,
You are not just getting the 5 day training and Certification…
Reserve Your Seat For the May 4th, 2020 Training
Before September 1, 2020, and you'll also receive...
- REAL WORLD HYPNOSIS: "IDENTITY BY DESIGN" complete copy of the Real World Hypnosis Identity By Design Hypnosis Home Study Course Video Set- INSTANTLY Via Digital Download 16 Hours of Video Hypnosis Training
$2250 Value, Yours Free!
- And The One Full Year of Unlimited Phone And Email Coaching From Me Worth Over $18000.00 Worth of Bonus Gifts, Coaching and Follow Up Training For FREE
Truth be told, getting the things you want in life has NEVER Been Easier and Safer Than It Is Right Now.
Click This Link
To Reserve Your Seat For
Real World Hypnosis: Regression Specialization Now!
I'll See You On May 4thth, 2020 here in Sunny San Diego for the Start of the New You.
Sincerely Wishing You All The Best.
Your Friend,
Dr. David L. Snyder DACM, C.Ht. L.Ac.
Master Practitioner/Trainer Neuro Linguistic Programming
San Diego Hypnosis Institute
PS: Please Remember the Fast Action Early Bird Scholarship Expires August 15, 2020 and is limited to the first 20 people to enroll by that date, or Once We Reach Our Quota of 20 People. After That The Price Goes Up and I can't guarantee you'll get seat. Reserve Your Place Now Before Someone Else Takes It.
Click This Link Now To Confirm Your Space:
Reserve My Seat for
Real World Hypnosis Now