From The Desk of: Dr. David Snyder
Date: May 15, 2020, 10:04 PM
Location: San Diego, California
Let Me Ask You A Question..
- Attract More Opportunities for Love, Health, Wealth and Abundance
- Find Your Soulmate?
- Get More Dates?
- Attract More Clients?
- Make More Money?
- Win That Upcoming Promotion,
- Start that new business?
- Manifest the Life of Your Dreams?
- Become the BEST Version of Yourself?
- Remove Blocks to Success?
- Program Your Subconscious Mind To Attract What Ever You Want
- Get Rid of Negative Emotions?
- Become Magnetically Charismatic and More?
What is the Secret to Getting any or All of These?
I will tell you what it is not.
- It is NOT your looks.
- It is NOT your brains.
- It is NOT Even Who You Know (Yup, I was shocked about that too)
How often Have You Said to Yourself...
"Something Has Got to Change
...But It almost never does.
Ever wondered why?
I mean after all you most likely did everything the "gurus" told you to do
(didn't you?)
And Still...Nada.
How come?
It's because nothing changes in your life without two secret ingredients and it will not matter how many
- seminars your take,
- or home study courses you buy
- or how many fancy certificates hang on your wall.
If you are missing these two master keys.
Your doomed to stay the same.
Eight Years ago, I stumbled across something amazing, something real, powerful and true!
I found a handful of solid-gold radioactive-secrets for completely reprogramming my subconscious mind, tapping into the non-local/quantum universe and magnetically attracting everything into my life that I ever wanted. Secrets that allowed me to:
- Create a thriving Personal Transformation Practice
- A World Wide Teaching and Training Business With students from 88 different countries
- Manifest Educational Opportunities for my children
- Help My Students Manifest Houses, Trucks, and even employment opportunities that they "thought" they had lost.(weird but true)
- Earn My Doctorate In Oriental Medicine Even After They TOLD Me I'd Did not qualify To Enroll In the Program
- Get Voted The Number One - NLP Trainer In The World in the Year 2020
- Be Named Among The Top Two NLP Trainers In the World From 2017-2019
- Authored over twenty different personal development products, trainings, and seminars that are empowering and changing the lives of thousands of folks just like you and I all over the globe.
Honestly I could go on about all of the things that these amazing systems have done for my students and I... .
... But I think you get the message and to be honest I owe those accomplishments to the unstoppable Mind Power Law of attraction and Manifestation Principles I discovered eight years ago.
But I kept it to myself... mostly _ taught bits and pieces of it to my Personal master mind students.
I never really taught the complete system as I understand and practice anyone.
However Recently... things have changed, and you and I both know what that is.
The Pandemic - Panic - Propaganda -
Paranoia and The Economic Trauma
It has brought us.
You see its NOT just the virus that changed practically everything about our lives its everything that has come with it,
- Panic
- Fear
- Sickness
- Isolation
- Loss of Work, Jobs and Other important factors that allow us to enjoy life and thrive All Taken from many of us in the blink of an eye.
and now after months of watching people suffer, something I personally can't stand
I'm saying NO!
At least not if there is something I can do about it.
So.... with everything going on in the world, with thousands of people losing their health, their livelihood and sometimes even their lives
I believe its time to bring these health wealth and abundance mathods out from behind the scenes.
I never revealed the entire system to the public in an actual seminar and for good reason but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few during these challenging times
Therefore My Friend...
Hold on to your Hyper-hypnotic, Neuro Linguistic Law of Attraction Hats because On
June 5th-7th, 2020
I'll be revealing some of my most powerful law of attraction Mind Power and Manifesting Secrets at my
Vibrational Influence:
Hidden Laws of Attraction Manifestation Mastery
Boot Camp
During this Top-Secret Three-Day Law of Attraction Mind Power Secrets Boot Camp Master Class!
I will be revealing some of my most powerful techniques for custom creating the life you have always wanted.
I will share with you not only those two secret ingredients and how to use them to take everything you have learned so far and turbo charge it,
I'll also be drilling you relentlessly on my entire complete secret system for attracting and manifesting practically anything you want
...maybe even things you might believe are impossible for you!
Among the many things I'll be sharing with you are these power-packed methods for becoming the person who CAN get anything they want the way that they want it..
I will show you how to
- Blow out procrastination and Hesitation in minutes
- Uncover Limiting Beliefs You Did Not Even Know You Had (This is a big one)
- Remove Limiting Blocks and Beliefs Holding You Back from getting what you want
- How to Feel More Playful, Confident and Powerful Than Ever Before Its super-important if you actually want the laws of attraction to work for you!
- How To Remove Limiting Beliefs about money, health, wealth love and become the person who "Deserves" to have those things, even if you don't believe you do!
- How to automatically program yourself for increased Luck, Good fortune and Serendipity so you actually " do not have to work as hard as some other folks might" (scary but true.)
- The Right Way To Do Affirmations and the terrible mistake most people who use affirmations make that often completely derails their manifestation and self programming efforts.
- The Ultimate Manifestation Method - that has let me and my select students manifest practically impossible things over and over again.
and of course...
The two most powerful energy psychology secrets
for turning your entire nervous system into an
Unlimited Manifesting Machine.
And there is so much more
- You'll learn about the 36 money personalities and what to do when yours is causing you problems.
- How to "acquire" the skills and abilities of people who have the things you want so you can have them too.
- Special Conversational Hypnosis Techniques For Re-progamming Yourself and Magnetically Attracting and Influencing those around you, giving you Charisma On Command
- How to clear up your past negative memories so they no longer poison your life and stop you from living the life you have always wanted.
and so much more.
The Bottom Line...
I will show you how the law of attraction really works with absolutely no B.S
and I will personally guide through each step of the process so you will have these skills locked in and on the fast-track to manifesting and getting what ever you want in your life!
and you will actually understand... Why most people teaching attraction of any kind Have It Completely Wrong.
This is a one-time deal, space is limited and it is the only time I will be personally teaching this
So before you register, make sure you can commit to the full three days, do the drills and get the skills that will dramatically change the course of your life if you use them,.
If you are just a tire kicker, don't register. Let someone else have your spot. But if you are truly committed to creating change, becoming powerful and living a live of abundant health, wealth and prosperity.
Here is Your Chance To Be one of the few select candidates who get access to these tried and true but mostly Hidden Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Mental Dynamics Secrets
- Create the relationship of my dreams,
- Manifest almost impossible results...
- Brand New Jobs
- New Homes
- New Car and Trucks
- Help For My Children
- Heal People Of Pain, FEAR,Diseases,Injuries,and More
- Do the things I love to do and ... a lot of people just like you get the life you want the way that you want it
You know they say that in life there are no real guarantees but
I Can Guarantee You This...
It WILL Be Fun,
It WILL Be Practical and...
It WILL Empower YOU!
Do the Drills, Get the Skills and Take Decisive Action and Own Your New Life. Click This Link Now To Reserve Your Seat for the June 5th-7th, 2020 Virtual Bootcamp and SAVE $700.00 On the full tuition price of 1497!
Special Pricing is limited to the first 35 people
to register before May 31, 2020
It is really that easy, and think about it like this...
What are you going to miss out on if you do not get your hands on these secrets?
RSVP Now, because you know what will happen if you hesitate, do you not?
Only 35 Seats for This One Guys and Gals, RSVP Now!
Offer Expires May 31, 2020
11:59 PM
Click Here Now To Reserve Your Spot!
If you have any questions, Contact me asap 858-282 4663
You Know This Thing Is Going to Cause a STAMPEDE to RSVP ASAP or you will lose your spot to someone who acts faster than you.
"The World Goes to The People Who Take Fast, Decisive Action"
Grab Yours Now!
Your Friend,
Dr. David
PS: this is the first time Since 2011 That I have taught the Complete Hidden Laws of Attraction Course. and I've added a few extra goodies to make it even more powerful.
Be One of the First 25 People To Register and I'll Throw in A Special Bonus Worth 997.00
My Original Hidden Laws of Attraction Alchemy of Abundance Home Study Course $997.00 VALUE
Yours Absolutely FREE If You are among the first 25 To Enroll Today!
Special Pricing Expires
May 31, 2020 11:59 PM
Grab Your Seat Now Before
Someone Else Gets Your Spot!