Learn How To Understand Yourself

& Read People Instantly


... Just By Looking at Their Face!

Powerful Proven  Energetic Psychological Personality Profiling System  Allows You To Understand Yourself Better and Gives You The Awesome Ability to Speed Read Any Ones Personality, in Just Minutes!


From the Desk of: Dr. David Snyder DACM
Date: October 31,2020 11:12 PM
Location: San Diego, California, USA



Dear ,


Let me ask you a question.


What would your life be like if you actually possessed the incredible ability to read, understand and know exactly how people are most likely to think, feel, and behave, what drives them, what motivates them, the secret fears and traumas they may be hiding and so much more?


What if you could use those same tools to understand
and know yourself better too:

  • Get to the root of limiting beliefs once and for all
  • Overcome Blocks To Your Success
  • Get Rid of Emotional Pain and Blockages
  • Find and Resolve Hidden Traumas
  • Know your Purpose in This Life
  • Unlock latent and hidden talents and abilities
  • Even Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Success


What could you accomplish in life if you knew exactly how to talk to or communicate with people in the precise way they most wanted to be communicated with?  The way that would make them most open and willing to doing what ever you wanted them to do.


How would your life change if you could instantly "speed read" every man woman and child you meet and know more about them in just a few minutes than even their best friends know after years of being together?


What if you could look at a persons face and know:

  • Their attitudes, personality, and temperament
  • Exactly How Physically, Emotionally or Sexually Compatible
    with you, your business or your team that they are.
  • Predict How people will respond/behave in a given situation
  • How trustworthy They Are
  • IF they are lying or have a tendency to lie or be dishonest
  • How do they handle power
  • How stubborn are they
  • Are they extroverted, impulsive and spontaneous , or
    reserved, introverted and calculating?
  • If they work well in groups or are best left to work on their own?
  • Will they do what you tell them or resist your advice & instruction?


What if you could use these profound insights to:

  • Close More Sales
  • Lead Your Teams More Effectively
  • Know which career paths, mates, friend and activities are "perfect" for you
  • Resolve Blocks To your Success
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs
  • Get rid of Negative Emotions
  • Resolve Traumas, Fears and Phobias
  • Find Your "soul mate" or ideal lover
  • Attract Connect and Custom Design your "ideal relationships"
  • Become More Attractive, Charismatic and Magnetic
  • Discover the fastest path to getting others to believe what you say and do what you want.

If any of the above is even remotely interesting to you, keep reading because this could be one of the most important letters you EVER read Because...


You Are Invited!


I would like to personally invite you to one of the most amazing and empowering seminars ever. I'm going to give you full access to a training that will allow you to tap into the accumulated power, wisdom and discoveries of thousands of researchers that will give you unlimited abilities to socially, personally and professionally read and understand yourself and anyone you want... Instantly!



Enroll Now!
SAVE $500.00!

Our Regular tuition for Face Reading Level One Certification is $1950.00. But if you Act Fast and Join Today We are offering a $500.00 FAST ACTION Bonus for Getting On Board Today!


Just Click One of the links Below Now to Save Your Seat For the Boot Camp January 10th-12th, 2020,in beautiful San Diego California for...


Face Reading For Fun and Profit
3-Day Certification Boot Camp
Level One

November 6th-8th, 2020

Live Online!


Click Here Now To Reserve
Your Spot Before the Deadline

on November 1, 2020

11:59 PM


What is Face Reading, How Does It Work,  and Why Is it Important ?

Face Reading is found in Chinese medicine and is based on the same theories and principles as Chinese medicine and is actually much older than the "TCM" aka Traditional Chinese Medicine taught today.


Both the ancient and modern arts of face reading have been guiding lovers, healers, merchants, businessmen, attorneys, spiritual leaders, law enforcers, coaches, consultants, mentors, counselors --  and even Kings and Emperors for over 3000 years. It has been and is still used extensively in Asia for centuries in everything from Health and Healing, to Marriage/Matchmaking, Jury Selection, Hiring and Promotion, Banking and More.


Ancient Science Merges With Modern Technology

Thousand of years ago, Chinese healers discovered that practically everything going on in the human body/mind can be diagnosed through the colors, size and shapes of facial features.


They realized that when there was a problem with a particular internal organ system or energy pathway (also known as a meridian) that markings would appear in very specific spots that corresponded to that particular organ.


So for example,


Your Lung is In Your Cheeks!

If you were having problems with your lungs you might develop a marking or colored spot on your cheek, which corresponds to the lung organ system.


Even more amazing was the discovery that when people experienced a trauma at a certain age, many times the place on the subjects face that corresponded to that age would develop some kind of marking at that exact location.


In other words, the face would literally record the traumatic event by marking the face at the exact spot that matched the persons age.


After thousands of years of observation and empirical investigation these patterns of energetic marking emerged as valid and reliable form of Chinese Medical Diagnosis.


In fact, facial diagnosis is still a vital part of Chinese medicine today and is used alongside other diagnostic methods to treat the body and heal disease.



There is More To It... So Much More

... That Was Kept Secret!


Researchers also discovered that because certain internal organs (i.e. liver, lungs, spleen/pancreas, heart, kidneys etc.) were related to certain types of Temperament, Attitudes, Emotions and Behaviors.


Ancient Chinese scientists realized that the markings and shapes of the head and face could actually be used to create a workable and useful personality profile of any particular person being observed and that those profiles were "Extremely Accurate"


Using this new understand of "Energetic Psychological Personality Profiling" practitioners were able to determine and predict human beings in remarkable ways...


  • How People Tend to Think Feel And Behave
  • Their Current State of Physical and Emotional Health
  • What Ages Their Most Significant Traumas Occurred
  • Which Traumas or Types of Trauma They've Actually Repressed
    or Forgotten about
  • Their Relationships with Their Parents and Siblings
  • How to actually read repressed emotions on your clients face
    and Automatically Unlock Them and 
    Resolve Them In Minutes!
  • How They Make Decisions
  • How Romantically Compatible With Their Partners They Are
  • And So Much More


To be honest I could go on for pages and pages telling you about all the amazing things this revolutionary personality profiling and personal understanding system can do but your time is valuable so I will get right to the point.


I mentioned earlier I am holding a special training just for a select handful of people who are truly serious about learning this art and science of people reading and taking it out into the real world and using it to understand and empower yourself beyond anything you ever thought possible:

  • to create more success,
  • satisfying relationships,
  • make more money,
  • get more dates
  • and help more people.

My intention is to spend three days immersing you in this nuclear powered face reading technology and give you specific methods for instantly reading people and knowing what to look for and how to do it. 


And to insure that you get the highest quality of training, I am officially limiting this one-time event to just 25 people. and I am Giving You a One-Time FAST ACTION Scholarship of $500.00 OFF To Only the next 13 people Who Enroll Before the Deadline on November 1, 2020 at 11:59 PM


Full Disclosure: I am giving you the rare chance to get in on the ground floor of some of the most useful and powerful human influence and profiling tools I have ever found. Tools for understanding and influencing people that can give you the absolute edge in creating the life, relationships and future you truly desire. 


This is your golden opportunity to get trained in the most practical and workable applications of the system if any of the above sounds intriguing, Keep Reading Because It Absolutely Gets Better!


Imagine This for A Moment if You Will...


  • What if YOU Could Also Discover The Hidden Wisdom, Talents and Secret Abilities You didn't
    know you had,


  • Find Your Life Purpose and Become More Fully On Your Path To Fulfillment Than Ever Before


  • What if everything you needed to know to discover learn and unlock your own inner wisdom,
    power and abilities were actually hidden in the features of your face.


  • Well That Is Exactly What The Ancient and Highly Effective Art of Chinese Face Reading Promises To Do
    For You.


Based on the same ancient foundations as Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Face Reading and Chinese Medical Hypnotherapy Give Us A Comprehensive Understanding of over 3000 Years of Chinese Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy.


This Energy Based Approach To Releasing Traumas, Removing Blocks To Success, Resolving
and Releasing Guilt, Shame, Anger, Rage, Sadness, Grief, Self Hatred,

How would your life change if you had the ability to tell just by looking at a persons face Exactly How They Tend To Think Feel And Behave?

What if your subject/partner/employee/boss/prospects face actually revealed the very best way to deal with them i.e.

  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Releasing Traumas
  • How Suggestible They Might Be
  • Where, When, how their traumas first began,
  • the hidden traumas and beliefs they have suppressed, or forgotten about that are driving their behaviors
    and ruining their lives, health, relationships and chances for success.

Chinese Face Reading and its unique energy-based form of hypnotherapy-like techniques allow us to visually track the roots of many forms of psycho-somatic illness and "toxified trauma" and...


..using powerful energy-based hypnosis and conversational hypnosis methods to you'll
learn to unpack and resolve them forever.


For over 3000 years Face Reading has been a valid form of Chinese Medicine and a valuable Observational Energy-Based Psychological Science and...


actually forms one of the earliest and most solid foundations of Chinese Medical Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment of Physical and Emotional Illness.


But the applications of this amazing science reach far beyond medical applications are used extensively in:


Business: Sales, Marketing, Recruiting-finding the right person for the right positions


Legal Professions: Jury Selection, Depositions, Profiling


Sports: Performance Enhancement, Selecting Sports Activities Based On a persons unique constitutional and energetic potentials


Love and Romance: Face Reading is and Continues To Be Used Extensively To Determine Romantic and Sexual Compatibility


Finding Your Life Purpose:



In this fascinating Three Day Secrets of Face Reading and Chinese Medical Hypnotherapy, You will  get a deep dive training in how to precisely, easily and rapidly assess, unlock and use Real Face Reading, Vibrational and Conversational Hypnotherapy Techniques to
  • Find, Unpack and Resolve physical, mental and
    emotional pain, trauma and more.
  • You'll learn to create powerful lasting changes that
    will literally appear or disappear from your clients faces as you
    progress through the work.

You'll be amazed at how many times those changes
actually happen right before your eyes as their emotions, body
feelings, markings and features morph

Changes that you can literally see on their faces as their emotions, body feelings and the
markings and features of their face change right before your eyes.
This Three-Day intensive will give you some of the most powerful tools for understanding, unlocking and resolving client issues and You Will

Get the Master Keys to

Understanding Yourself and Others Fast!

This class is pure hypnotic alchemy and will only be offered
Online One Time This Year 

Don't Miss It, Or

You may not be able to look at yourself in the Mirror!

That's if for now. Space for this training is going fast. If reading and understanding yourself and others is important to you, if you would like to know how to understand and influence anyone instantly just by reading their faces when would now be a good time reserve your spot for this training using the link above

If you have any questions at all feel free to give us a call at 858 282 4663 or email us at [email protected]




Your Friend,


Dr. David


PS: Remember The EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT EXPIRES November 1, 2020 at 11:59 PM

Here is the link again in case you missed it earlier

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Dr. David Snyder DACM, [email protected], 3830 Valley Centre Drive Ste 705 PMB 371 San Diego, Ca 92130, 8582824663

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